Clocks Dallas String Quartet

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Clocks Dallas String Quartet Average ratng: 8,3/10 4468reviews

Join us now to get access to all our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY Album version4. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY Album version. Sandy, the fireworks are hailin over Little Eden tonight. Forcin a light into all those stony faces left stranded on this warm July. Down in the town, the Circuits full of switchblade lovers, so fast, so shiny, so sharp. As the wizards play down on Pinball Way on the boardwalk way past dark. And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers on the shore. Chasin all them silly New York virgins by the score. And Sandy, the aurora is rising behind us. This pier lights our carnival life forever. Oh, love me tonight, for I may never see you again. Hey, Sandy girl. My, my, baby. Now, the greasers, ah, they tramp the streets or get busted for sleeping on the beach all night. Them boys in their high heels, ah, Sandy, their skins are so white. And me, I just got tired of hangin in them dusty arcades, bangin them pleasure machines. Chasin the factory girls underneath the boardwalk where they all promise to unsnap their jeans. And you know that tilt a whirl down on the south beach drag. I got on it last night and my shirt got caught. Mondo Digital Review Index. All written material on this site Mondo Digital. Coe College alumnus Ossama AbuHalawa was recently named a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship, which is generally considered the most prestigious academic award. And they kept me spinning, babe, didnt think Id ever get off. Oh, Sandy, the aurora is rising behind us. This pier lights our carnival life on the water. Runnin, laughin neath the boardwalk, ah, with the bosss daughter. I remember, Sandy, girl. Na, na, na, na, na, baby. Clocks Dallas String Quartet YoutubeClocks Dallas String Quartet MembersClocks Dallas String QuartetSandy, that waitress I was seeing lost her desire for me. I spoke with her last night, she said she wont set herself on fire for me anymore. She worked that joint under the boardwalk, she was always the girl you saw boppin down the beach with the radio. The kids say last night she was dressed like a star in one of them cheap little seaside bars, and I saw her parked with lover boy out on the Kokomo. Did you hear the cops finally busted Madame Marie for tellin fortunes better than they do. For me this boardwalk life is through, babe. You ought to quit this scene too. Sandy, the aurora is rising behind us. This pier lights our carnival life forever. Oh, love me tonight and I promise Ill love you forever. Oh, I mean it, Sandy, girl. My, my, my, my, my baby. Yeah, I promise, Sandy, girl. Sha, la, la, la, la, baby. Info. 4TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY is a song written by Bruce Springsteen and released on his 1. The Wild, The Innocent, The E Street Shuffle. The above lyrics are for Bruce Springsteens album version of 4. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY as released in 1. The album version of 4. Battle Blitz Game'>Battle Blitz Game. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY was included on The Essential Bruce Springsteen both 2. Chapter And Verse compilation album. Within the E Street Band, the song was heavily identified with Danny Federicis accordion part, which is the main musical element. A version recorded by The Hollies charted in North America and became a hit in Europe in 1. See The Hollies cover version for more details. Composition and Recording. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY was written in mid 1. In his 1. 99. 8 book Songs, Springsteen wrote Id been evicted from my apartment above the beauty salon, so I moved on myself and was living with my girlfriend in a garage apartment, five minutes from Asbury Park, in Bradley Beach. This is where I wrote 4th of July, Asbury Park Sandy, a goodbye to my adopted hometown and the life Id lived there before I recorded. Sandy was a composite of some of the girls Id known along the Shore. I used the boardwalk and the closing down of the town as a metaphor for the end of a summer romance and the changes I was experiencing in my own life. Sandy may be none other than Diane Lozito, Springsteens girlfriend between summer 1. See ROSALITA COME OUT TONIGHT for more about Diane Lozito. The band line up on this track is Bruce Springsteen, Clarence Clemons, Danny Federici, Garry Tallent, Vini Lopez, and David Sancious, plus Suki Lahav who provided the choir backing vocals. Springsteen had hired a church childrens choir to sing on the studio recording of the song, but they didnt show, Lahav told the Jerusalem Post in 2. And I was around. And I had this high, pure clear voice. So that was my first time. Lahavs voice was recorded and overdubbed repeatedly to give a choir like effect that Springsteen wanted. Vini Lopez explained in 2. Clarence Clemons tried to sound like Lahav when singing backing vocals on the song live. Not easy, he recalled. Lahav, then the wife of Louis Lahav who was Springsteens sound engineer at the time, would not be credited for her role, but would later join the E Street Band for six months as a violinist and singer. The track, as well as the whole album, was recorded at Sound Studios in Blauvelt, NY, and produced by Mike Appel and Jimmy Cretecos. A handwritten lyrics sheet containing what appears to be an early draft of 4. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY was auctioned in 2. See the early draft for more details. Circulating Studio Versions. Two other different mixes but same basic recording of the album version of 4. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY have been circulating on bootlegs an instrumental backing track, and a mix with Springsteens original vocal overdub with the Sparkin an empty light in all those lonely faces reachin up like bandits in the sky lyric line. See the original studio version for more details. The mix that was eventually released on The Wild, The Innocent, The E Street Shuffle album features a Springsteen vocal overdub that changed that lyrics line to Forcin a light into all those stony faces left stranded on this warm July. The instrumental backing track can be found on several bootlegs, including The Unsurpassed Springsteen Volume 5 Yellow Dog Records track 0. Born In The Studio Archive Productions track 0. Bruce Springsteen The Unsurpassed Springsteen Volume 5 Yellow Dog RecordsBruce Springsteen Born In The Studio Archive ProductionsMadam Marie. The Madam Marie mentioned in the song is Marie Castello, a real life fortune teller who worked on the Asbury Park boardwalk from 1. She was the longest running tenant on the Asbury Park boardwalk, where she operated from a small one room concrete structure called the Temple Of Knowledge. Castellos family continues to give readings at the Temple Of Knowledge, which has become a landmark on the Asbury Park boardwalk. Madam Maries Temple Of Knowledge, 0. Nov 2. 00. 9 Keith Mallaby photo, used with permissionCastello gained a following among celebrities who often stopped at Asbury Park to perform at the nearby Asbury Park Convention Hall, specially during the sixties. Her famous clients included Ray Charles, Elton John, The Rolling Stones, and many others. A young Bruce Springsteen began visiting her around the age of 1. He later immortalized her in his 1. TH OF JULY, ASBURY PARK SANDY she became an icon among Springsteen fans worldwide. Marie Castello died on 2. Jun 2. 00. 8 at the age of 9. Springsteen offered memories and condolences of her on his website, saying Back in the day when I was a fixture on the Asbury Park boardwalk, Id often stop and talk to Madam Marie as she sat on her folding chair outside the Temple Of Knowledge. Id sit across from her on the metal guard rail bordering the beach, and watched as she led the day trippers into the small back room where she would unlock a few of the mysteries of their future. She always told me mine looked pretty good she was right. The world has lost enough mystery as it is we need our fortunetellers. PS Audio Nu. Wave DAC Review on Daily Audiophile. Price9. 95. Available direct from PS Audio USA customers only, or via local dealer. Description. Newest and most affordable DAC from PS Audio. Notable for 1. 92 k. Hz asynchronous USB and defeatable upsampling native mode. Effectively replaces the discontinued Digital Link III DAC model, which was introduced in 2. Features Specs from PS Audio websiteThree digital inputs. Hz asynchronous USBRCA and XLR balanced outputs. High current class A output stage. Native mode. 19. 2k. Hz selectable upsample. Low jitter Perfect. Wave clocks. Class A fully balanced discrete analog electronics. Burr Brown 2. 4 bit DAC chip. Weight 1. 2 lbs. Dimensions 1. Color Silver, Black. Purpose of this Review. Evaluate Nu. Wave DAC 9. USB. Compare it to the PS Audio Digital Link III DAC 9. Musical Fidelity V LINK 1. USBSPDIF converter 3. This converter employs 1. Hz asynchronous processing and is part of my current digital front end. Please see complete equipment list below for details on the review system. Background. About five years ago I evaluated several DACs in my system over the course of several months. These included a handful of mid priced DACs from Bel Canto, Channel Islands, and Musical Fidelity. I used either the Hagerman Hag. Usb USBSPDIF converter or a glass optical cable straight from my Macbook. I settled on the Bel Canto DAC2 with the optical connection and lived happily with it until it was replaced by the PS Audio Digital Link III DLIII sometime in late 2. Download Power Rangers Super Legends Pc Game Demo on this page. A couple months ago, I added the Musical Fidelity V LINK 1. USBSPDIF converter, which was a nice improvement but made me wonder how such a combo would compare to PS Audios newest offering, the Nu. Wave DAC. After receiving the Nu. Wave for review, it was played continuously for over 1. Nu. Wave vs. Digital Link IIISince my main goal was to determine how the Nu. Wave compares to my current setup, I did the following comparisons USB direct, both DACs set to 1. Hz upsampling. USB direct, Nu. Wave set to native, DLIII set to 1. Hz upsampling. V LINK 1. Nu. Wave set to native, DLIII set to 1. Hz upsampling. USB direct to Nu. Wave set to native, V LINK 1. DLIII set to 1. 92 k. Hz upsampling. Note The USB input on the DLIII can only handle sample rates up to 4. Hz, so the first two comparisons in the list above were done using 1. Hz music only. The third and fourth comparisons above included both Red Book and hi res music since using the V LINK 1. DLIII or USB direct to the Nu. Wave allows for 2. Hz material. Please see the list of music used below for details on what was played. Listening. Overall, the Nu. Wave is an improvement on the Digital Link III. The Nu. Wave has more detail, air, and richer tones. However, the differences between the two DACs were less dramatic than I expected. The sound of DLIII was surprisingly close to the Nu. Wave, especially when used with the Musical Fidelity V LINK 1. USBSPDIF converter. I found the DLIII presented a slightly warmer, more pleasing sound, while the Nu. Wave was more realistic and interesting. There were times when the DLIII sounded more cohesive, but other times when it sounded somewhat congested. Again, the differences were subtle. The best sound was achieved using the USB cable direct into the Nu. Wave DAC with the native setting activated. Soundstage height was maximized and tones were harmonically rich. This was especially true on hi res material, which generally sounded more refined and nuanced than Red Book. Wish List. The Nu. Wave DAC is an impressive package, but its not perfect. Here are my only nits I really wish the Nu. Wave had a volume control and remote to make running it without a preamp more convenient. Drivers Education 99 Simulator more. The volume control with remote on PS Audios GCPH phono preamp allows me to run it direct to my active speakers for my vinyl listening, which is fantastic. I also wish the Nu. Wave had an incoming sample rate indicator, if only to confirm what I think its receiving from my Macbook. I like the more substantial case and buttons of the DLIII better than those used on the Nu. Wave. The plexiglass top and plastic buttons on the Nu. Wave feel slightly cheap in comparison. On the other hand, if these materials were used in order to keep the price under 1. K, I can live with it. Lastly, I wish the design of the cardboard box used to ship the Nu. Wave made it easier to re pack the unit should the owner need to ship it again. The box doesnt use styrofoam or cardboard spacers. Instead, it uses a single raised piece of cardboard, onto which the unit is secured by a single piece of shrink wrapped plastic. This minimal approach is effective and great for the trip from the factory. However, once the shrink wrap is cut and the unit it is removed, the interior of the box will need to be creatively augmented by the owner in order to keep the unit in place for another shipment. Conclusion. The Nu. Wave DAC is a worthy successor to the Digital Link III. It has improved sound and better features. Its few shortcomings are easy to overlook given its excellent price. At 9. 95, its a bargain. That said, the Nu. Waves predecessor, the Digital Link III, is still a surprisingly good sounding unit. Its performance at the discounted price of 4. USBSPDIF converter such as the Musical Fidelity V LINK 1. Whether the extra 3. Nu. Wave is worth it in your system is up to you. For me, it is. Curious how it will sound for you Take advantage of PS Audios generous 3. Equipment Used. Software Used. Channel D Pure Music v. Memory Play and volume set to 0. B. All music files in Apple Lossless format. All 1. 6 bit4. 4. Hz files ripped from CD using Apple Lossless Encoder setting in i. Tunes with Error Correction. All hi rez files downloaded in Apple Lossless format or FLAC. FLAC files converted to Apple Lossless format using XLD v. Music Used 1. 6 bit4. HzThe Mercury Program ArrivedDeparted from Chez Viking CD, Lovitt Records, 6. Jose Gonzalez Down the Hillside from Stay in the Shade EP CD, Hidden Agenda Records, 7. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition from Fritz Reiner, CSO Hybrid CD, BMG Classics, 8. Music Used 2. 4 bit9. HzArcangelo Corelli Opus 6 Concerti Grossi from The Avison Ensemble Linn Records, infoJoachim Kwetzinsky Shchedrin Basso Ostinato from Polyphonic Dialogues 2. L, infoMusic Used 2. HzDick Hyman Thinking about Bix from HRx Sampler 2. Reference Recordings, infoRespighi Belkis, Queen of Sheba Suite from Elji Oue, Minnesota Orchestra Reference Recordings, infoWalton Crown Imperial finale from Jerry Junkin, Dallas Wind Symphony Reference Recordings, infoMusic Used 2. HzHaydn String Quartet In D, Op. No. 5 Finale Presto from Engegrdkvartetten String Quartets 2. L, infoBeethoven Sonate Nr. Maestoso from Tor Espen Aspaas Mirror Canon 2. L, infoBerlioz Symphonie Fantastique from Scottish Chamber Orchestra Linn Records, infoTagged as.