How To Install Dbms_Lock Package Oracle

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PLSQL Hierarchical Profiler Oracle Database 1. G release 2 1. 1. With 1. 1g release 1 Oracle has introduced new package DBMSHPROF. Its very useful for DBAs and developers to analyze execution of PLSQL code. It enables to gather, store and organize a lot of information about executed code. Uninstall1.png' alt='How To Install Dbms_Lock Package Oracle' title='How To Install Dbms_Lock Package Oracle' />Fix DGMGRL Error ORA16698 LOGARCHIVEDESTn parameter set for object to be added Golden Gate ggsci start manager ERROR Parameter file mgr. How To Install Dbms_Lock Package Oracle' title='How To Install Dbms_Lock Package Oracle' />How To Install Dbms_Lock Package OracleWith 11g release 1 Oracle has introduced new package DBMSHPROF. Its very useful for DBAs and developers to analyze execution of PLSQL code. Below are some free Oracle Scripts and code examples you can download. Hallo Tom, We use Oracle 8. AIX server. We have a database with the character set US7ASCII. I know it can present ASCIICode from 0 to 127. General Questions. Tell us about yourself your background. What are the three major characteristics that you bring to the job market What motivates you to do a good. Informations gathered by this package are supported by Oracle sqldeveloper which is another great news. The PLSQL hierarchical profiler features easy to install and usecollect execution times for SQL and PLSQL codekeeps results in database tables. Provides subprogram level execution summary information, such as. Number of calls to the subprogram. Time spent in the subprogram itself. Time spent in the subprogram itself and in its descendents subprograms. Detailed parent children information, for example. All callers of a given subprogram parentsAll subprograms that a given subprogram called childrenHow much time was spent in subprogram x when called from y. How many calls to subprogram x were from y. Installation. Installation consists of three steps. Grant execute privilege on package DBMSHPROF to a database usergrant execute on DBMSHPROF to tomasz 2. Install-Java-on-Linux-Step-2-Version-3.jpg/aid2943-v4-728px-Install-Java-on-Linux-Step-2-Version-3.jpg' alt='How To Install Dbms_Lock Package Oracle' title='How To Install Dbms_Lock Package Oracle' />Grant read, write privilege on a directory object to a database user. NOTE Oracle sqldeveloper as default use directory plshprofdir for profiler so I use the name to be consistent with Oracle sqldeveloperconnect as sysdba. Create hierarchical profiler tables in user schema. General Information How Oracle has four separate ways to induce a sleep into PLSQL. They are dbmsbackuprestore dbmsdrs dbmslock userlock. Introduction to PLSQL By Example. This is a simple introduction to Oracles PLSQL language. Basic knowledge of SQL is assumed. It is aimed especially at. Burleson Consulting is an altruistic company and we believe in sharing our Oracle extensive knowledge through publishing Oracle books and Oracle articles, video. Call script dbmshptab. ORACLEHOME. connect tomaszora. Verification. New objects are created in user schemaselect objectname, objecttype. DBMSH. order by objectname. OBJECTNAME                 OBJECTTYPE. DBMSHPFUNCTIONINFO        TABLE. DBMSHPPARENTCHILDINFO    TABLE. DBMSHPRUNNUMBER            SEQUENCE. DBMSHPRUNS                 TABLETable. Description. DBMSHPRUNSContains information about runs. DBMSHPFUNCTIONINFOContains information about each profiled function. DBMSHPPARENTCHILDINFOContains parent child relation for profiled functions. Testing. First we need to create test codecreate or replace package testpkg. Now we can run hierarchical profiler. It will create file with collected statistics. File is created in directory specified by parameter location. PLSHPROFDIR. filename plshproffile. Here is part of the generated file. Remember it has been created in directory PLSHPROFDIR so you need to have access to review it. PV PLSHPROF Internal Version 1. P PLSQL Timer Started. PC PLSQL. TOMASZ. TESTPKG 1. TEST1PRC9. PC PLSQL. TOMASZ. TESTPKG 1. TEST2PRC9. PC PLSQL. TOMASZ. TESTPKG 1. TEST3PRC9. PC SQL. TOMASZ. TESTPKG 1. PC SQL. TOMASZ. TESTPKG 1. PC SQL. TOMASZ. TESTPKG 1. PC SQL. TOMASZ. TESTPKG 1. PC PLSQL. SYS. DBMSHPROF 1. STOPPROFILING9. P PLSQL Timer Stopped. These are meanings for prefixes in the file. PV PLSHPROF banner with version number. PC call to subprogram call eventPR return from subprogram. PX elapsed time between preceding and following events. P Comment. Instead of reviewing file you can analyze it and load to Oracle profiler tables. The code is returning on display run identifier which will be used later for reviewing data in profiler tables. PLSHPROFDIR. filename    plshproffile. First run. dbmsoutput. Run id vrunid. Run id 1more details about parameters. DBMSHPROF. ANALYZE. VARCHAR2. filename VARCHAR2. BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE. VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. PLSINTEGER DEFAULT 0. PLSINTEGER DEFAULT NULL. VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL. RETURN NUMBER Parameters descriptionlocation directory for profiler datafilename file name with profiler datasummarymode default FALSE detailed analysis are done. If TRUE only top level analysis are donetrace analyze only specified part of code. As default is NULL so analyzes are done for entire run. The trace entry must be specified in a special quoted qualified format including the schema name, module name function name as in for example, SCOTT. PKG. FOO or. plsqlvm. If multiple overloads exist for the specified name, all of them will be analyzed. Specifies how much first invocations are skipped. The default is 0. Specified how much invocations are traced. Starts from skip1th invocation. The default is 1. Review data in tables. DBMSHPRUNS shows in micro seconds how much time it took to complete our procedureselect runid, totalelapsedtime, runcomment. RUNID TOTALELAPSEDTIME RUNCOMMENT. First run. DBMSHPFUNCTIONINFO shows aggregated information for each profiled function. For example you can find out how much time was consumed by a function or  subprogram calls from the function. OWNER  MODULE     TYPE         FUNCTION                 LINE NAMESPACE CALLS FUNCTIONELAPSEDTIME SUBTREEELAPSEDTIME. SYS    DBMSHPROF PACKAGE BODY STOPPROFILING              5. PLSQL         1                     0                    0. SYS    DBMSLOCK  PACKAGE BODY SLEEP                      1. PLSQL         5               4. TOMASZ TESTPKG   PACKAGE BODY TEST1PRC                   3 PLSQL         1                     2              5. TOMASZ TESTPKG   PACKAGE BODY TEST2PRC                   9 PLSQL         1                    9. TOMASZ TESTPKG   PACKAGE BODY TEST3PRC                  2. PLSQL         1                   1. TOMASZ TESTPKG   PACKAGE BODY staticsqlexecline. SQL           5                1. TOMASZ TESTPKG   PACKAGE BODY staticsqlexecline. SQL           5                2. DBMSHPPARENTCHILDINFO table enables to create tree of execution for profiled codeselect. CALL                                       SUBTREEELAPSEDTIME FUNCTIONELAPSEDTIME      CALLS      LINE. TEST1PRC TEST2PRC                               5. TEST2PRC TEST3PRC                              5. TEST3PRC SLEEP                                  4. TEST3PRC staticsqlexecline. TEST2PRC staticsqlexecline. Another option to analyze your profiled code is to use command line utility plshprof. It generates simple HTML reports directly from the raw profiler data, so can be used instead of loading data into Oracle tables. ORACLEHOMEbinplshprof. PLSHPROF Oracle Database 1. Enterprise Edition Release 1. Production. Usage plshprof lt option lt tracefile. Options trace lt symbol    no default     specify function name of tree root skip lt count      default0      skip first lt count invokations collect lt count   default1      collect info for lt count invokations output lt filename defaultlt symbol. PLSHPROF Oracle Database 1. Enterprise Edition Release 1. Production. 7 symbols processed. Report written to c tempplshproffile. You can review output in browser to get details. Its much easier then review data from tables. Example screens. Sqldeveloper support. Sqldeveloper fully supports PLSQL Hierarchical profiler and with a few simple clicks you can quickly get profiler data for your code. You just need to select code that you want to profile and select Profile option. There are some extra screen Im not showing it here where you can define more details what to profile. Once data are collected you can see it in tab Profiles for your procedure, function, package etc. Sqldeveloper requires to create profiler tables in own schema and expects directory plshprofdir. You are informed about the requirements when you first try to profile your data. Have a fun Tomasz. Interview Questions Oracle FAQSome typical interview questions for Oracle Specialists. General Questions Tell us about yourself your background. What are the three major characteristics that you bring to the job market What motivates you to do a good job What two or three things are most important to you at work What qualities do you think are essential to be successful in this kind of workWhat courses did you attend What job certifications do you hold What subjectscourses did you excel inWhy What subjectscourses gave you trouble Why How does your previous work experience prepare you for this position How do you define success What has been your most significant accomplishment to date Describe a challenge you encountered and how you dealt with it. Describe a failure and how you dealt with it. Describe the ideal job. What leadership roles have you heldWhat prejudices do you hold What do you like to do in your spare time What are your career goals a 3 years from now b 1. How does this position match your career goalsWhat have you done in the past year to improve yourself In what areas do you feel you need further education and training to be successfulWhat do you know about our company Why do you want to work for this company. Why should we hire you Where do you see yourself fitting in to this organization. Why are you looking for a new job How do you feel about re locating Are you willing to travelWhat are your salary requirements When would you be available to start if you were selected Here are few interview questions with answers found on the internet. As I dont have time to format these questions to wiki I am just posting them hoping someone to format them. Oracle Interview Questions. Explain the difference between a hot backup and a cold backup and the benefits associated with each. A hot backup is basically taking a backup of the database while it is still up and running and it must be in archive log mode. A cold backup is taking a backup of the database while it is shut down and does not require being in archive log mode. The benefit of taking a hot backup is that the database is still available for use while the backup is occurring and you can recover the database to any point in time. The benefit of taking a cold backup is that it is typically easier to administer the backup and recovery process. In addition, since you are taking cold backups the database does not require being in archive log mode and thus there will be a slight performance gain as the database is not cutting archive logs to disk. You have just had to restore from backup and do not have any control files. How would you go about bringing up this database I would create a text based backup control file, stipulating where on disk all the data files were and then issue the recover command with the using backup control file clause. How do you switch from an init. Issue the create spfile from pfile command. Explain the difference between a data block, an extent and a segment. A data block is the smallest unit of logical storage for a database object. As objects grow they take chunks of additional storage that are composed of contiguous data blocks. These groupings of contiguous data blocks are called extents. All the extents that an object takes when grouped together are considered the segment of the database object. Give two examples of how you might determine the structure of the table DEPT. Use the describe command or use the dbmsmetadata. Where would you look for errors from the database engine In the alert log. Compare and contrast TRUNCATE and DELETE for a table. Both the truncate and delete command have the desired outcome of getting rid of all the rows in a table. The difference between the two is that the truncate command is a DDL operation and just moves the high water mark and produces few rollback data. The delete command, on the other hand, is a DML operation, which will produce rollback data and thus take longer to complete. Give the reasoning behind using an index. Faster access to data blocks in a table. Give the two types of tables involved in producing a star schema and the type of data they hold. Fact tables and dimension tables. A fact table contains measurements while dimension tables will contain data that will help describe the fact tables. What type of index should you use on a fact table A Bitmap index. Give some examples of the types of database constraints you may find in Oracle and indicate their purpose. A Primary or Unique Key can be used to enforce uniqueness on one or more columns. A Referential Integrity constraint can be used to enforce a Foreign Key relationship between two tables. A Not Null constraint to ensure a value is entered in a column A Value constraint to check a column value against a specific set of values. A table is classified as a parent table and you want to drop and re create it. How would you do this without affecting the children tables Disable the foreign key constraint to the parent, drop the table, re create the table, enable the foreign key constraint. Explain the difference between ARCHIVELOG mode and NOARCHIVELOG mode and the benefits and disadvantages to each. ARCHIVELOG mode is a mode that you can put the database in for creating a backup of all transactions that have occurred in the database so that you can recover to any point in time. NOARCHIVELOG mode is basically the absence of ARCHIVELOG mode and has the disadvantage of not being able to recover to any point in time. NOARCHIVELOG mode does have the advantage of not having to write transactions to an archive log and thus increases the performance of the database slightly. What command would you use to create a backup control file Alter database backup control file to trace. Give the stages of instance startup to a usable state where normal users may access it. STARTUP NOMOUNT Instance startup. STARTUP MOUNT The database is mounted. STARTUP OPEN The database is opened. What column differentiates the V views to the GV views and howThe INSTID column which indicates the instance in a RAC environment the information came from. The Warriors Castellano. How would you go about generating an EXPLAIN planCreate a plan table with utlxplan. Use the explain plan set statementid tst. SQL statement. Look at the explain plan with utlxplp. How would you go about increasing the buffer cache hit ratio Use the buffer cache advisory over a given workload and then query the vdbcacheadvice table. If a change was necessary then I would use the alter system set dbcachesize command. Explain an ORA 0. You get this error when you get a snapshot too old within rollback. It can usually be solved by increasing the undo retention or increasing the size of rollbacks. You should also look at the logic involved in the application getting the error message. Explain the difference between ORACLEHOME and ORACLEBASE. ORACLEBASE is the root directory for oracle. ORACLEHOME located beneath ORACLEBASE is where the oracle products reside. Oracle Interview Questions. How would you determine the time zone under which a database was operatingSELECT dbtimezone FROM DUAL 2. Explain the use of setting GLOBALNAMES equal to TRUE. It ensure the use of consistent naming conventions for databases and links in a networked environment. What command would you use to encrypt a PLSQL application WRAP4. Explain the difference between a FUNCTION, PROCEDURE and PACKAGE. They are all named PLSQL blocks. Function must return a value.