Aix Could Not Mount The Bos Install File System
MB Measured Business line POTS. XP oneX Portal. An Avaya Application 2 hour response time Avaya zipcode list showing zipcodes that are within 2 hour respon. SRcMPvMMUi0/VRIHgu7jexI/AAAAAAAAAWg/VJdDQJbTBaY/s1600/Screenshot_q.png' alt='Aix Could Not Mount The Bos Install File System' title='Aix Could Not Mount The Bos Install File System' />AIX Quick. Start WPARs Workload PARtitions are an AIX 6. An AIX system can host multiple WPARs that each appear to be nearly identical to a regular system. All processes in the WPAR are subject to the environment of that WPAR such as devices, filesystems, configurations, and networking unique to that WPAR. There are two types of WPARs, system and application. The key differences are that a system WPAR begins at the init process while an application WPAR begins at the application process and the system WPAR has dedicated file systems while the application may not. System WPARs can be sparse or whole root but it is the application WPAR that is most different from the other container implementations. The hosting AIX system is called the global environment. The key differences in the global environment is that it runs the kernel, owns the devices, and can host WPARs. Significant effort has been taken for the user environment of a WPAR to be indistinguishable from the global environment. That said, the administrator needs to be aware of what environment she is in to perform various tasks. Because of the limited and contextually relevant administrative environment of a WPAR, some commands behave differently than others when run in a WPAR or the global environment. Generally speaking, the more lower level the command, the more appropriate it is to run in the global environment. One example of administration tasks most appropriate for the global environment is device management commands. While a system WPAR has devices, the devices in a WPAR are much different than those in the global environment. WPARs are started from etcinittab with the etcrc. By default, the root filesystems of sytem WPARs are created in wparsWPARname. The filesystems are browsable by properly permissioned users of the global environment. Users in a WPAR cannot see filesystems of other WPARs. By default the usr, opt, and proc filesystems of a system WPAR are shared with the global environment via a read only namefs vfs type. WPARs. As a result, software and updates cannot be applied to these read only WPAR views of the filesystems from the WPAR. Filesystems that are local to the WPAR such as home, tmp, and var can be modified from within the WPAR. Examples in this section show the default read only and alternate options for these filesystems. Some options for system WPAR filesystems include Using a dedicated VG or external NFS mount for WPAR filesystems. Unless otherwise specified, system WPAR filesystems are created from rootvg. Using a single LV for all local filesystems. The default filesystem layout is similar to traditional AIX installs in that it will be broken into multiple LVs filesystems. Creating a dedicated local copy of the usr and opt file systems. In the default filesystem setup home, tmp, and var are unique to the WPAR while usr and opt are views on the actual file systems in the global environment. Creating additional filesystems dedicated to the WPAR. This can take the form of a NFS mount or a dedicated filesystem just for the WPAR. A number of commands support a new flag for WPAR related output. The required parameters and output of the flag varies by command, and what environment the command is run in WPAR or global. A system WPAR is started and stopped much like a separate OS with the startwpar and stopwpar commands. These act effectively as boot and shutdown operations. The shutdown will be the most familiar, while the boot operation is significantly different from booting a system. Instead of bootstrapping the system from a disk, the WPAR startup process involves bringing online all the required filesystems, changing to that root filesystem environment, and then picking up the boot process at init. This is a simplistic treatment of the process designed to illustrate the difference from a system boot of something like a LPAR in a virtualized environment. Application WPARs are not started like a system WPAR. It is more appropriate to describe them as being executed in a different context. Application WPARs can see the global environment filesystems and devices, they inherit everything not explicitly set by the wparexec command. The large majority of examples and discussion in this section refer to system WPARs. The Solaris implementation of containers offers a command called zonename that tells what zone the user is in. It works like the hostname command when run from a zone but returns the word global when run from the global environment. AIX provides the uname W to tell if you are in a WPAR or not. I have included the logic script to create a wparname command that tells if you are in a WPAR as well as the hostname of the WPAR like the zonename command. W devnull 2 1 thenecho globalelsehostnamefi. Sample source of wparname command. Create the rudra WPAR with default optionsmkwpar n rudra This command will pull the IP configuration for ruda from DNS. Naturally, rudra must be defined in DNS for the global environment to find. Start the rudra WPARstartwpar v rudra. Log into the console of rudraclogin rudra l root. Create indra WAPR with useful optionsmkwpar A n indra r s v A Start automatically on system boot. Workload partition name. Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. Start after creation. Verbose mode. Create a WPAR on a dedicated VGmkwpar n varuna A g varunavg r s v If a VG or other filesystem options are not supplied then the filesystems for a system WPAR will be created from LVs on the rootvg. Setup a TwoNode Cluster with HACMP. Contents. Introduction Setup and Preparation. Storage setup Network setup Installation. Prerequisite filesets. This command uses a dedicated VG called varunavg. The usr and opt filesystems will still be shared with the global WPAR and therefore will still come from rootvg but will not take any additional space. If the l option was used in the above command then a new usr and opt would have been created for this WPAR using the specified VG. Create an additional fs on dedicated VGcrfs v jfs. M This command is run from the global environment. The mount point is within the varuna root filesystem wparsvaruna so that it can be seen by the varuna WPAR. The u varuna option specifies this fs as part of the varuna mount group so that it will be mounted when varuna starts. Remove the varuna WPARrmwpar s varuna s stops it first, p preserves the filesystems. In this case we delete the underlying filesystems. Create a WPAR with mount optionsmkwpar n varuna r s M directory vfsnfs devvarunanfs hostshiva M directoryvar vfsdirectory M directoryhome vfsdirectory M directorytmp vfsdirectory M directoryusr vfsdirectory M directoryopt vfsdirectory The mkwpar command in this example uses a remote NFS share to host the filesystems for this system WPAR. It also specifies that each of the regular mount points will instead be directories and not mounts. The resulting WPAR will have only two mount points, one for the filesystem and one for the proc filesystem. The NFS mount in this example must be root mountable by both the global environment and the system WPAR. FgaYp.png' alt='Aix Could Not Mount The Bos Install File System' title='Aix Could Not Mount The Bos Install File System' />An example of the actual but temporary NFS share is given in the NFS section above. List all WPARs on the systemlswpar Default output will include Name, State, Type, Hostname, and Directory. Troubleshooting NIM Server Unix Linux Forums. OK. let me try again egrep bootpdtftpd etcinetd. SRC nobody usrsbintftpd tftpd n lssrc s tftpd. Subsystem Group PID Statustftpd tcpip 2. Filesystem GB blocks Free Used Iused Iused Mounted ondevhd. Aix Could Not Mount The Bos Install File System' title='Aix Could Not Mount The Bos Install File System' />Sep 0. Sep 0. 5 1. 1 5. Aug 3. OSBACKUP rw r 1 root system 3. Aug 3. 1 1. 6 2. Aug 3. Sep 0. 2 1. 6 1. Sep 0. Sep 0. 2 1. 6 4. EDVbckdata secsys krb. EDV secsys krb. EDVbckdata A file or directory in the path name does not exist. EDVexportfs 1. 83. NIM environmentplatform chrpnetbootkernel mpif. EE2. 80. 00. 20. 05cabletype. NACstate ready for a NIM operationprevstate ready for a NIM operation. Mstate currently runningserves All. Devices. Kernelsserves AltDiskInstallserves App Devserves CCEVALGraphicsserves CDEserves Firefoxserves GNOMEserves Graphicsserves KDEserves Kerberos5serves Mozillaserves Perf. Toolsserves Serverserves bidowserves bootserves casclientserves casserverserves infocenterCAESserves infocenterCSCZserves infocenterDEDEserves infocenterENUSserves infocenterESESserves infocenterFRFRserves infocenterHUHUserves infocenterITITserves infocenterJAJPserves infocenterKOKRserves infocenterPLPLserves infocenterPTBRserves infocenterRURUserves infocenterSKSKserves infocenterZHCNserves infocenterZHTWserves lppsource. Cstate ready for a NIM operationprevstate ready for a NIM operation. Mstate not running. Cstateresult reset lsnim l mksysbbcoeqamksysbbcoeqa class resourcestype mksysbarch power. Rstate ready for useprevstate unavailable for uselocation nimfsmksysb. My objective 1 Client clonebco should pull the makesysb from NIM Server. I went to client clonebco started SMS IPL IP address settings Was able to ping NIM Server 3 NIM Server Config so that the client is ready to pull the mksysb ping clonebco. PING clonebco 1. C clonebco PING Statistics 2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 1. Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks Install and Update Software Install the Base Operating System on Standalone Clients Select a TARGET for the operation Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Select the installation TYPE Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Install from installation images mksysb Install from a mksysb spot Install a copy of a SPOT resource Select the MKSYSB to use for the installation Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Select the SPOT to use for the installation Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Install the Base Operating System on Standalone Clients. Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. TOP Entry Fields Installation Target clonebcoInstallation TYPE mksysbSPOT spot. LPPSOURCE MKSYSB mksysbbcoeqa. BOSINSTDATA to use during installation IMAGEDATA to use during installation RESOLVCONF to use for network configuration Customization SCRIPT to run after installation Customization FB Script to run at first reboot ACCEPT new license agreementsYES Remain NIM client after install PRESERVE NIM definitions for resources on yes this target FORCE PUSH the installation Initiate reboot and installation now NO OR Set bootlist for installation at the no next reboot Additional BUNDLES to install OR Additional FILESETS to install bundles will be ignoredinstallp Flags. COMMIT software updates Flags. COMMIT software updates SAVE replaced files AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software EXTEND filesystems if space needed OVERWRITE same or newer versionsVERIFY install and check file sizes ACCEPT new license agreements AIX V5 and higher machines and resourcesPreview new LICENSE agreementsGroup controls only valid for group targets Number of concurrent operations Time limit hours Schedule a Job no YEAR MONTH DAY 1 3. Www Super Contra Games Com more. HOUR 0 2. 3 MINUTES 0 5. LPPSOURCE WAS EMPTY SO I ADDED IT LPPSOURCE Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. M BOSINSTDATA WAS EMPTY SO I ADDED IT BOSINSTDATA to use during installation bidow When I do it I got an error. Quote. Command failed stdout yes stderr no. Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below. TOP0. When installing a system using a mksysb as thesource for the installation, the level of the SPOT used for theinstallation must match the level of the mksysb image that isbeing installed. The release levels of the SPOT, spot. Rstate ready for useprevstate verification is being performedlocation nimfsspotspot. Rstateresult successmknetboot yesmknetboot yes lsnim l mksysbbcoeqamksysbbcoeqa class resourcestype mksysbarch power. Rstate ready for useprevstate unavailable for uselocation nimfsmksysb. I did is to try something else I made the installation rte Install from installation images Select the installation TYPE Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Install from installation images mksysb Install from a mksysb spot Install a copy of a SPOT resource Command OK stdout no stderr no. Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below. Cstate BOS installation has been enabledprevstate ready for a NIM operation. Mstate not runningboot bootbosinstdata bidowlppsource lppsource.