Enhance Views Hack

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Waym5N3agDs/U0x2ZQQS2jI/AAAAAAAAAJg/se9CO3HRY9g/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Enhance Views Hack' title='Enhance Views Hack' />CSR 2. Reinventing Corporate Social Responsibility for the 2. Century. CSR 1. 0 Burying the Past CSR must be seen for what it is an outdated, outmoded artifact that was once useful, whose time has passed. If we admit the failure of CSR, we may find ourselves on the cusp of a revolution, like the one that transformed the internet from Web 1. Web 2. 0. The emergence of social media networks, user generated content and open source approaches are a fitting metaphor for the changes CSR must undergo to redefine its contribution and make a serious impact on the social, environmental and ethical challenges that the world faces. For example, just as the internet of Web 1. Google Facebook type interaction, CSR 1. CSR as philanthropy or public relations widely criticized as greenwash to a more interactive, stakeholder driven model. Web 1. 0 was dominated by standardized hardware and software, while Web 2. So too in CSR, where we are beginning to realize the limitations of the generic CSR codes and standards that have proliferated in the past 1. The similarities between Web 1. CSR 1. 0 are illustrated in the following table. If this is where we have come from, where do we need to go to  The similarities between Web 2. Hey there Im at work surfing around your blog from my new apple iphone Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts Look, being a pop star is hard you have groupies, tour riders, and underlings you need to abuse. We get it. Having so much power over so many lesser peoples self. Another day, another multinational video service brought to its knees by a group of rogue hackers with a bone to pick. Vevo, the joint venture between Universal Music. CSR 2. 0 are illustrated in the following table. CSR 2. 0 Embracing the Future If this is where we have come from, where do we need to go to Let us explore in more detail this revolution that will, if successful, change the way we talk about and practice CSR and, ultimately, the way we do business. There are five principles that make up the DNA of CSR 2. Creativity, Scalability, Responsiveness, Glocality and Circularity. Figure 1 The Principles of CSR 2. Principle 1 Creativity. In order to succeed in the CSR revolution, we will need innovation and creativity. We know from Thomas Kuhns work on The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that step change only happens when we can re perceive our world, when we can find a genuinely new paradigm, or pattern of thinking. This process of creative destruction is today a well accepted theory of societal change, first introduced by German sociologist Werner Sombart and elaborated and popularised by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter. We cannot, to a paraphrase Einstein, solve todays problems with yesterdays thinking. Business is naturally creative and innovative. What is different about the Age of Responsibility is that business creativity needs to be directed to solving the worlds social and environmental problems. Apple, for example, is highly creative, but their i. Phone does little to tackle our most pressing societal needs. By contrast, Vodafones M PESA innovation by Safaricom in Kenya, which allows money to be transferred by text, has empowered a nation in which 8. Or consider Freeplays innovation, using battery free wind up technology for torches, radios and laptops in Africa, thereby giving millions of people access to products and services in areas that are off the electricity grid. All of these are part of the exciting trend towards social enterprise or social business that is sweeping the globe, supported by the likes of American Swiss entrepreneur Stephen Schmidheiny, Ashokas Bill Drayton, e Bays Jeff Skoll, the World Economic Forums Klaus Schwabb, Grameen Banks Muhammad Yunus and Volans Ventures John Elkington. It is not a panacea, but for some products and services, directing the creativity of business towards the most pressing needs of society is the most rapid, scalable way to usher in the Age of Responsibility. Practical steps to increase creativity include 1 Building social and environmental critieria into the core R D function, as Nike has done with its Considered Design, and open sourcing selective patents, using facilities like Green. Xchange. 2 Having forums, suggestion boxes and competitions where employees and other stakeholders can have their innovative ideas recognised and rewarded. Actively supporting, investing in and partnering with social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and  intrapreneurs entrepreneurs within the organisation. Having diverse stakeholder representation on advisory boards and acting as non executive directors that can challenge the status quo. Fostering leaders that do not punish mistakes, but rather encourage a culture of experimentation and learning. Principle 2 Scalability. The CSR literature is liberally sprinkled with charming case studies of truly responsible and sustainable projects and a few pioneering companies. The problem is that so few of them ever go to scale. It is almost as if, once the sound bites and PR plaudits have been achieved, no further action is required. They become shining pilot projects and best practice examples, tarnished only by the fact that they are endlessly repeated on the CSR conference circuits of the world, without any vision for how they might transform the core business of their progenitors. The sustainability problems we face, be they climate change or poverty, are at such a massive scale, and are so urgent, that any CSR solutions that cannot match that scale and urgency are red herrings at best and evil diversions at worst. How long have we been tinkering away with ethical consumerism organic, fairtrade and the like, with hardly any impact on the worlds major corporations or supply chains And yet, when Wal Marts former CEO, Lee Scott, had his post Katrina Damascus experience and decided that all cotton will be organic and all fish MSC certified, then we started seeing CSR 2. Scalability not limited to the retail sector. In financial services, there have always been charitable loans for the worlds poor and destitute. But when Muhammad Yunus, in the aftermath of a devastating famine in Bangladesh, set up the Grameen Bank and it went from one 7. Or contrast Toyotas laudable but premium priced hybrid Prius for the rich and eco conscious with Tatas 2,5. Nano, a cheap and eco friendly car for the masses. The one is an incremental solution with long term potential the other is scalable solution with immediate impact. Practical steps to increase scalability include 1 Embracing sustainable or ethical choice editing product line by product line, as Sainsburys has done, beginning with fairtrade bananas. Having a programme of best practice transfer within the organisation, where small, successful sustainability solutions can be replicated more widely. Collaborating within sectors to raise the standards within an industry, such as the detoxification programme among textiles companies. Participating in cross sector knowledge sharing forums in order to spread successful practices to other industries, such as the Water Footprint Network and WBCDs Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Working with supply chains, as Walmart is doing with its Sustainability Index, and with customers, as Unilever is doing with its Sustainable Living Plan, and with with bottom of the pyramid markets, as Ashoka is doing with its Hybrid Value Chain model  to encourage behaviour change en masse. Principle 3 Responsiveness. Business has a long track record of responsiveness to community needs witness generations of philanthropy and heart warming generosity following disasters like 91. Sichuan Earthquake. Rpg Games Downloads Pc. But this is responsiveness on their own terms, responsiveness when giving is easy and cheque writing does nothing to upset their commercial applecart. The severity of the global problems we face demands that companies go much further. Close Window in IE from javascript. Small Hack Guy From Chennai. When trying to close an window from javascript in IE, which is opened manually,a security warning The web page you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you want to close this windowYesNo is popping up. Is there any possibility to close a window silently Yes. A simple hack i found on the web will help to get rid of this situation. Firefox you can do this. Firefox will not allow you to close using the above code. Maybe anybody foundhaving any code post it here.